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Faculty & Staff
Experiences in HSIs

Garcia, G. A. (2015). Exploring student affairs professionals’ experiences with the campus racial climate at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(1), 20–33.  


Garcia, G. A., Koren, E. R., & Cuellar, M. G. (2020). Assessing color-neutral racial attitudes of faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). AERA Open, 6(3), 1-14.


Zaragoza, M. & Garcia, G. A. (2023). Latina faculty at a Catholic Hispanic-Serving Institution: Critical counter-stories about racialized & gendered experiences and servingness. The Journal of Higher Education.

HSI Organizational

Garcia, G. A. (2019). Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Opportunities for Colleges and Universities. John Hopkins University Press.


Garcia, G. A. (2018). What does it mean to be Latinx-serving? Testing the utility of the Typology of HSI Organizational Identities. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 11(3), 109-138. 


Garcia, G. A.  (2017). Defined by Outcomes or Culture? Constructing an Organizational Identity for Hispanic-Serving Institutions. American Educational Research Journal, 54(1_suppl), 111S-134S.


Garcia, G. A. (2016). Complicating a Latina/o-serving Identity at a Hispanic Serving Institution. The Review of Higher Education, 40(1), 117-143. DOI:10.1353/rhe.2016.0040.​


Garcia, G. A. (2015). Using organizational theory to study Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): An imperative research agenda. In  A.M. Nunez, S. Hurtado, & E. Calderón Galdeano (Eds.), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (pp. 82-98). Routledge.


Garcia, G. A., DeCostanza, Jr., J. & Romo, J. (2021). Theorizing a Catholic Hispanic-Serving Institution (C-HSI) identity through Latinx theological lenses of lo cotidiano and traditioning. Journal of Catholic Education, 24(2), 20-42.


Garcia, G. A. , Ramirez, J. J., Patrón, O. E., & Cristobal, N. L. (2019). Constructing an HSI organizational identity at three Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the Midwest: Ideal vs. current identity. The Journal of Higher Education, 90(4), 513-538, https://doi-org/10.1080/00221546.2018.1522198

Leadership &
Decision Making at HSIs

Garcia, G. A. & Ramirez, J. J. (2018). Institutional agency at a Hispanic Serving institution (HSI): Using social capital to empower students. Urban Education, 53(3), 355-381.

Garcia, G. A. & Natividad, N. D. (2018) Decolonizing leadership practices: Towards equity and justice at Hispanic-Serving Institutions and emerging HSIs. Journal of Transformative Leadership & Policy Studies, 7(2), 25-39.


Petrov, L. A. & Garcia, G. A. (2021). Becoming a racially just Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI): Leveraging HSI grants for organizational identity change. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 14(4), 463–467.

Outcomes at

Garcia, G. A. (2013). Does the percentage of Latinas/os affect graduation rates for Latina/o students at four-year Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs, and non-HSIs? Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 12(3), 256-268.

Garcia, G. A. & Cuellar, M. (2018). Exploring curricular and co-curricular effects on civic engagement at emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions. Teachers College Record, 120(4), 1-36. Teachers College Record, 120(4), 1-36. 

Garcia, G. A., Patrón, O. E., Ramirez, J. J., & Hudson, L. T. (2018). Identity salience for Latino male collegians at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), emerging HSIs, and non-HSIs. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 17(3), 171-186.

Student Experiences
in HSIs

Cristobal, N. & Garcia, G. A. (2022). Race-neutrality and race-consciousness in students’ sensemaking of “servingness” at two Hispanic Serving Institutions. Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and Student Affairs, 6(1), 58-79.
Cristobal, N., Johnston-Guerrero, M. P., &
Garcia, G. A. (2021). Further contextualizing racial identity: Multiracial students at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity, 7(2), 32-68.


Garcia, G. A. & Dwyer, B. (2018). Exploring college students' identification with an organizational identity for serving Latinx students at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and emerging HSI. American Journal of Education, 124(2), 191-215.


Garcia, G. A. & Zaragoza, M. (2020). Students’ perceptions of diversity at two Hispanic-Serving Institutions through pictures: A focus on structures for serving. Association of Mexican American Educators (AMAE) Journal, 14(3), 10-29.

Transforming HSIs &
Defining Servingness

Garcia, G. A. (2021). A love letter to HSI grant seekers/implementers and the federal agencies that fund them: Defining servingness in research, practice, & policy. Journal of the Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institution Educators, 1(1), 1-14​.


Garcia, G. A. (2018). Decolonizing Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A framework for organizing. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 17(2), 132-147.


Garcia, G. A., & Cuellar, M. G. (2023). Advancing “intersectional servingness” in research, practice, and policy with Hispanic-Serving Institutions. AERA Open.


Garcia, G. A., Núñez, A.-M., Sansone, V. A. (2019). Toward a multidimensional conceptual framework for understanding “servingness” in Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): A synthesis of the research. Review of Educational Research, 89(5), 745-784.


Garcia, G. A. & Okhidoi, O. (2015). Culturally relevant practices that “serve” students at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Innovative Higher Education 40(4), 345-357.

Garcia, G. A. & Guzman-Alvarez, A. (2019). Descriptive analysis of graduate enrollment trends at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2005-2015. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 20(2), 196-212.

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