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Queering HSIs and Serving LGBTQIA+ Latinx Students


From the episode:

"Who is the queer person of color, who is also the advisor, because that's often what happened to me…[but if] I leave this work in an official capacity, what happens when I leave? This is all gone for the students and that's where the institutionalization of that comes into place that really drove us to think about…the policies and things like that, what can we provide practitioners to think through as they're going in the grant writing process and in the implementation of these grant monies that could get them to think about queer and trans students at the center?"

Dr. Ángel de Jesus González 


Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Southern California

Episode description

This episode of ¿Qué pasa, HSIs? features a dynamic duo, Dra. Yolanda Cataño, Executive Director of the Alliance of HSI Educators (AHSIE) and Dr. Ángel de Jesus González, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Southern California, who extend notions of servingness to queer and trans Latinx peoples at HSIs. They talk about the importance of centering the intersectional identities of Latinxs at HSIs and share findings from three articles they have published about queering HSIs. While centering LGBTQIA+ people in their storytelling, they talk about their own experiences attending HSIs, describe the complexities of data-driven decision-making at community colleges, and talk about institutional and state level policies that affect sevingness. This duo drops intersectional, practical, and empirical knowledge about HSIs and servingness.

APA citation

Garcia, G.A. (Host).  (2022, October 31). Queering HSIs and Serving LGBTQIA+ Latinx Students. (No.8) [Audio podcast episode]. In ¿Qué pasa, HSIs?.

Show notes

Cataño, Y. & Gonzalez, A. (2021). Examining servingness at California community college Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) for LGBTQ+ Latinx students. Journal of the Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institution Educators, 1(1), 55-72.

González, A. D. J., & Cataño, Y. (2020). Queering community college HSIs: An environmental scan of current programs and services for Latinx students. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 27(1), 74-88.

González, A. & Cataño, Y. (2022). Queering the Query: A Call to HSI Community Colleges to Include LGBTQIA + Latinx Students. In I. Hernández & L. Contreras (Eds.), About Campus: Special Issue: Hispanic Serving Institutions (pp. 4-9).

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